Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Welcome April!

My little garden:
... about 10X10... fenced in with 'found' fencing from the woods in our backyard... I sawed each section in half horizontally with a random organic shape, then screwed them to posts in the ground to make a square... and painted it as-is... it won't last forever... but the deer don't get in either! There is a little dry-laid stone 'path' in the middle - to keep me from getting too muddy and to remind me not to over-plant!

I can't believe it's already April! Today was so nice outside, although a bit chilly. It's been raining for the last 3 days off and on, and it seemed like winter was back after that nice warm visit at the lake house!

Sugar Snap Peas will grow up this old chair-back (repurposing!)
Since it wasn't raining, the kids and I headed out to Lowe's this morning and got some veggies for the garden we've been weeding... it's starting to shape up out there...
Cucumbers (will grow up the old bamboo pole)

Things we planted were: Cherry tomatoes, Big Boy tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, cucumbers, sugar snap peas, and ***artichokes*** - I have never grown these before! I have NO IDEA how they'll do in my garden. We also need to plant some carrots tomorrow before it starts raining again. It was such a pleasure to go out and pull weeds and plant these little veggies today - the ground was nice and soft and moist. There were tons of worms in the garden too... luckily we just kept on planting and didn't play with any today.

The "Big" tomato plant... can't wait fo the fresh tomato sandwiches!!! Yummm!!!!!

(it will be staked to a repurposed fiberglass hockey stick that was broken!)


I think I figured out where I want to put the chickens if we can have them... we have to get a permit and 'permission' from any neighbors within 500 feet of the coop before we can have them. Anyway, I think I would like to build a shed for ME (my stuff - organized MY way) behind the garden area, then part of it would be the coop for the chickens... kinda partitioned off so they're not all over the inside of the shed... and attached to the side of that would be the chicken run made from chain-link fencing 6 feet high with bird netting over the top of it. I've got an idea in my head... just need to draw it all out and figure out how to get it built! Anyone want to come over for a work-weekend?

I've been trying really hard to get some sewing done, but it's kinda hard to do when the kids are gallavanting around you and you've got a cold - or are getting over one! I've managed to actually sew some more little squares together today - it's harder to sew random little squares together than you might think! I think it's especially hard for me because I don't have an equal number of each print to choose from... so I'm trying to equally space them out while still being 'random'!!! Ha!!! (it's OK if you laugh at me!)


BumbleBee Bagz said...

thats so funny...I thought I was the only neurotic person who tried to "match" random squares. Love your blog, your children are beautiful..would love to be blog friends!

Amanda Jean said...

it is hard to match random squares! it's not just you.

good luck with your garden. :)

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Love to... come over and help with the chicken coop that is! Thank you for your comments on my blog, and I am sorry you came in hopes of finding actual chickens. 6 years ago when I started my blog, we had 3 hens and a rooster and they were such a joy for all of us we named the blog in their honor. You can find all chicken related posts under the label "Chicas." I never had a single regret about having chickens. They were delightful, easy and very amusing. They came when we called them and one, Gracie, would fall asleep on my lap. I miss them. I will be back and eager to see your ventures with chickens.