I went out today and my green bell pepper plant is completely stripped of all leaves and fruits... I'm really mad... I am going to do something today for sure...don't know what yet.
Meanwhile, we've been enjoying SUMMER! Today is the first 'full' day of summer even though we've had temps above 100 already! We're having a great time this summer, swimming in the little 'purple pool' at home, going to the town pool some afternoons, and Taylor Anne just finished up her week at Horse Riding Camp.

Holly Hill Stables is great - it's where Taylor Anne has riding lessons, and the instructor/owner is really great with kids. Here are a few pictures of Taylor Anne at Camp...
Taylor Anne and Abby
Cleaning Cookie's Hoof

Taylor Anne is proud of riding well all week, and learning about horses!
*** Oh - I need to mention there's a giveaway going on over at Cranston Quilt Works... check it out! She's a professional long-arm quilter and the prize is that she's giving away a FREE quilting for any quilt top up to twin sized! Wow!
Glad you figured it out! And glad your summer is going good.
It's a cute little fellow, but you don't want him in your garden. Good luck getting him out. Your tomatoes were too pretty to be tampered with.
Love the horse pics...what a happy girl! Ground hog....yikes, I am just having to deal with slugs and snails. (But no tomatoes here yet...we are just finishing up chard and the early peas!) HAppy Summer to you!
Those pesky groundhogs. What did you do? Can they dig under fences?
Taylor Anne looks so cute on that huge horse. I would be so nervous. I have never rode before. It looks like fun.
She looks so adorable riding Cookie.
Taylor Anne is SO grown up. What a cutie. It sounds like you are having so much fun this summer (sans the "groundchuck" thievery)!
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