Our family has been getting in the swing of things with First Grade (we've got behavior issues again), Getting Girl Scouts started again, and trying to get more local supporters for our Chicken Saga. Today I will attend the Wake Forest Board of Commissioner's meeting at 7pm and see what they have to say about the packets of information I have sent to them, and my proposed amendments. I've found out that I am not expected to give a 5 minute presentation at this meeting, but that the whole issue may be put to a public hearing - and at that time I will be expected to give a presentation. That also means the dissenters will have their chance to speak... so that will be interesting.

I got a great package in the mail several days ago from Jenny over at 'On the Creative Path' - she is making the cutest little hair clips and she's opened a shop to sell them online - check it out!!! She made a couple for my daughter that match her school uniform - they're so cute! My daughter loves them - and especially because they're ones she can wear that no one else has, she feels so special!
On the 'Crafty' side of things, I've made a new box for Taylor Anne's school to collect box tops for education in, and I've done a a little bit of knitting... that's about it! I'm trying to read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle too... but I've not had much time to just sit still and read. My sewing room is a total mess right now - even if I wanted to do some sewing, I couldn't think about it until I get this room under control - anyone want to come over and help? Ha ha!
I think its that time of the year. When the kids go back to school it always takes me a little time to recover from that (I had one to move into college that's exhausting) - plus you've been busy with your chicken campaign - I like the updates on that. My sewing room is a big mess too.
Good luck with the chickens and nice hair clips!
Em - I can't wait to hear how everything went with your presentation. You've got me checking out the ordinances in East Lansing now ... I'm very curious. I'm also proud to know someone who has spearheaded a campaign to change some rules and who, I'm sure, will be very successful.
Oh, and my barrettes look SO much cuter on Taylor Anne! I need her as a model. I'm so tickled that she liked them.
Hopefully, when I get my family well (virus) I'll be able to showcase some more colors. Thanks for the shout out!
Hope your meeting went well. Anxious to hear. Your little girl looks so cute all ready for school and cute hair clips.
Those are cute hair bows. Too bad I don't have any girls.
Good luck with the chicken saga. Isn't it crazy. When I lived in New York our town wouldn't let you have more than 5 pets. Sometimes I wish they had those laws down here in Alabama.
Cute hair clips and even cuter daughter.
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