Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween is almost here!

Our weekend was pretty busy for having 'not much' planned on Thursday... By Friday we had a full weekend planned... we needed to make a quick trip to Greensboro to pick up a few camping supplies for next weekend's Girl Scout trip, check out Octoberfest in Wake Forest, attend a Pump-it-Up Birthday Party for one of Taylor Anne's friends, take T.A. to the movies to watch HSM3 (that was fun), and there were at least 7 loads of clean laundry to fold and put away (my weakness!).
Carving pumkins was on the agenda for Sunday - Good thing too... our hands would have frozen today if we were out there on the deck trying to do it this evening! UGH! It is too cold to be October in North Carolina!
Taylor Anne drew faces on the pumkins and Mike cut them out.

They were both very happy with the results!
I hope to have some more halloween pictures up soon!


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Hey! Cute pumpkins... the squash and the children ;-)
My chicas love to eat the pumpkin guts.
Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Your pumpkins are adorable. I'm hoping to convince my guys to paint them instead of carve, but I don't think they'll go for it. For some reason carving pumpkins really stresses me out.

Tipper said...

Cute pumpkins-Cute kids!