Here I am with one of our new baby Buff Orpingtons, this one was named "Sassy" by Anderson on the drive home. She and her sister, "Miss Piggy" are 5 weeks old. She wants to get down and back in the coop with her friends!
This is one of our two Ameraucana or Easter Egger's - this one is named "Gray Whitney". She's mostly gray/blue with some buff or brown splashed in there. She and all of the other pullets are 6 weeks old, except for the Buff Orpingtons.
Here's Miss Betty - she's a Barred Plymouth Rock. She's the largest of the bunch. She's also the most brave and curious - she was the first to try out the ramp, and the first onto one of the roosts.
That's it for right now - it's hard to get good photos of little chicas who barely ever stand still! And there's something wrong with my camera, so that makes it even harder on me! Stay tuned!
With a joyful tear in my eye, I congratulate you and your brood! What wonderful news! So well deserved and earned.
I finally caught up on all the goings on of the past month... and girl you need to give yourself a pat on the back!!! You are doing some great stuff over there on your side of the country. LOVE to see all of the progress on the chicken front!!! I am also always happy to see another mom that loves and knows her kids and does her very best to get them the education that they need. It is a hard job, but you are doing great!!!! Kudos to you and keep up the great work...now I have no reason not to get chicks...love your coop plan too (could I gush more?) :)
Congratulations! Finally you have your chickens. I wonder if Betty will be the top of the pecking order....she seems like that type of personality if she is so curious. Now the fun begins!
How exciting!! I'm thrilled for your family.
Congratulations on the new 'chicky' additions to your family. There was an article in the mornings N&O about chickens in Cary. It was interesting and somewhat frustrating
Congratulations! I'm glad you kept after them until you got what you needed.
Congrats!! I know it's been a long road for you and I'm so glad you finally got them. You truly won!
What an awesome looking chicken coup. Chickens are so much fun to have around.
Awesome coop. Congrats you will love them!
Oh, I'm so excited for you!! And a little jealous, too :)
Oh YAY!!!! You're going to enjoy them so very much! BIG HUGE CONGRATS!!!!
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