Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Quiltalong...

I joined a quilt along again, this time over at Old Red Barn Co... I hope to keep up with Dana and finish it this time! She's the one I asked all of you to go visit and leave a comment so I could have more entries when she was giving away a gorgeous quilt last year. The quilt along is using that same quilt pattern, although we're supposed to use whatever fabrics you want.
Right now, If you're interested, she's giving away a super-duper Rowenta iron also - you can put your name in the 'hat' to see if you can win it!

For this quilt along:
Fabrics are picked out... some are new (THANKS, MOM!!! - for the gift card) and some are 'stash' - I need to use more of those for sure! What do you think of these - will they work together?

Now I need to catch up on cutting!

1 comment:

LOP said...

I love the colors- these will make a great quilt!! Good luck--by the way, how are going to sew this quilt while spending the spring/summer outside??