Did that get your attention?
Get your head out of the gutter, folks... and get your hands IN IT!
(picking up trash, that is)
She's very passionate about the environment - especially our impact on the world's oceans and water systems. She's one of those 'gung-ho' people about trash and recycling. She single-handedly manages our kid's school recycling and Terracycle program (there probably wouldn't be one without her!)
AND - She's got a new blog - surprise, surprise, it's about collecting litter! I would like you (yes, all of you) to just go take a peek at what she's able to do. (She's still working on it - very new blogger!) She has made a pledge to spend 30 minutes every day picking up litter! Look at what she's done in just a few short days.

Please - let it inspire you to try. It doesn't mean you have to get out there and do it every day, but you CAN get out there and do it once a week... twice a month, once a month... whatever!

My family loves taking walks in the evening - and there's a main street where SO much littering happens that we can usually fill up 2 or 3 plastic grocery bags with trash. My kids see it as a challenge. They're very conscious when they see litter on the side of the road, and they get VERY angry if they witness anyone littering. They also become very vocal (it can be embarrassing) because they're also passionate about taking care of the only home we have. I think my family will try harder - look for litter more often, and pick it up whenever we can this year because even one person can make a difference. (ever hear the starfish story? - Yeah... )
Someone like Angie... someone like me... someone like you...
Please - let it inspire you to try. It doesn't mean you have to get out there and do it every day, but you CAN get out there and do it once a week... twice a month, once a month... whatever!
My family loves taking walks in the evening - and there's a main street where SO much littering happens that we can usually fill up 2 or 3 plastic grocery bags with trash. My kids see it as a challenge. They're very conscious when they see litter on the side of the road, and they get VERY angry if they witness anyone littering. They also become very vocal (it can be embarrassing) because they're also passionate about taking care of the only home we have. I think my family will try harder - look for litter more often, and pick it up whenever we can this year because even one person can make a difference. (ever hear the starfish story? - Yeah... )
Someone like Angie... someone like me... someone like you...
very inspiring!
thanks for the link.
Thank you :)
Thanks for popping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment..
This is such an awesome post!!!
I'm ever so mindful of the litter that I create and try to purchase products that use as little packaging as possible to lessen my 'trash' inprint...
I would so love to join in with what your friend Angie is doing, what's 1/2 an hour a day, right?? It's a great form of exercise too..
Cheers - Jodie :)
Good for her-and good for your family too! And thanks for the inspiration-you're right it doesn't take long to just pick it up if we see it : )
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